The box had kept her mind, her will, locked inside of it for too long. Her father allowed it to be her mother, so she accepted it- whenever she felt the urge to rebel, explore or leave- the staged adventure of screen satiated her. It was safer.
Until one day she felt how dead she was inside, thanks to the box. Even though she decided to destroy it in her mind, throwing a rock through the screen was satisfying as well.
Now, she was free. She was going... where? She wasn't yet sure, but her own two feet were taking here there.
The suitcase wasn't a map of where she'd been, but of where she has yet to discover.
Shirt: Nylon Outfitters Embrodered Cowgirl shirt (all proceeds go to the Center for Biological Diversity)
Hair: Clawtooth Femme fatale (ponytail version) in Chocolate Cake. The scarfs are pattern change, I am in love.
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