Friday, April 16, 2010

Because I'm so much prettier inside....

Outfit playlist:
Gnarls Barkley: Blind Mary

I'm gonna be posting a bunch of little posts in a row for my short attention span peoples.

Red Queen "Easy" hairstyle in Orchid
Boots: :)(: Ultimate Boots (my all-time favorite XStreet purchase)
Stockings: Xaida Stockings Base Dark $1L
Shirt: (Elate!) Elle (Night) $50L Friday!
Skirt: MISCHIEF Up or Down Sculpt Skirt - Onyx $50L- all (non-new) dresses & full outfits are $50L, and fatpacks are still 50% off!
Piercings: Medley Shadow piercings (free from egg hunt)
Gloves: >Imani< Alicia Bad Girl Brown (gloves from this outfit)
Necklace: Miel OSA necklace $50L Friday!

"You are the ONLY PERSON I'd read a fashion blog for." But this is so much more than a fashion blog! Ok ok it *will* be when I get my act together. Anyway, the only current readers I know of are straight dudes (I have a bad habit of becoming "one of the guys" pretty quickly) so as a treat... A PICTURE OF ME IN A LESBIAN DANCE CLUB!!!

They... weren't a big fan of me.

Everything the same as above except the skirt is the polar edition from Miel (I got mine at the Melt exhibit so it's special... man I loved that installation...), hair is "Magic" from Hairy Situations (ladies... I get a lot of random compliments from the fellas about this hair. Maybe that's why the lesbians killed me... anyway, still 50% off!!) the gloves are Yess designs from the "Smoothy" outfit (I got for free in a voting thing, but it's on sale for $25L now!) and the top is actually scandalous lingerie from Shai in the Adriana grey outfit!!!

Horror movies were right, the one time I try to be a sexpot I get murdered. Tsk.

All (living) poses from Olive Juice's "Clever Girl" pose set. LAST DAY OF POSE FAIR!!

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